I organized Columbia's university-wide seminar on the economics of education from 2016-2023. The seminar takes place at Teachers College from 12-1:30pm on Thursdays. The seminar is now run by my colleague, Carolina Concha-Arriagada, and the schedule is available here.
Below are the schedules from recent years
AY 2021-22
Date - Presenter - Affiliation - Topic
9/16/21 - Javaeria Quereshi - UIC - OK Boomer: Teacher Generation and Student Race
9/30/21 - Rachel Yang Zhou - TC - Raising the Bar for High School Math: Impacts on High School Graduation and College Success
10/14/21 - Carolyn Heinrich - Vanderbilt - Does Online Credit Recovery in High School Support or Stymie Later Labor Market Success?
10/28/21 - Sue Dynarski - Harvard - The Power of Certainty: Experimental Evidence on the Effective Design of Free Tuition Programs (joint with PEAR)
11/4/21 - Manisha Shah - UCLA - Two Sides of Gender: Sex, Power, and Adolescence
11/18/21 - Eric Bettinger - Stanford - Connecting Students with Financial Aid: The Impact of Information on Aid Renewal and Postsecondary Persistence (joint with PEAR)
12/2/21 - NBER Ed Program meetings - no seminar
12/16/21 - Jishnu Das - Georgetown - Private Schooling, Learning, and Civic Values in a Low-Income Country
Winter break
2/17/22 - Amanda Chuan - Michigan State - Non-College Occupations, Workplace Routinization, and the Gender Gap in College Enrollment
2/24/22 (originally 2/10) - Morgan Williams - Barnard -
The Causal Health Effects of Education–Who Benefits and When?
3/3/22 - Esteban Aucejo - Arizona State - Students as Multi-Tasking Agents: Balancing Work and College Activities
3/10/22 - James Habyarimana - Georgetown
3/24/22 - Abhijeet Singh - Stockholm School of Economics
4/7/22 - Felipe Barrera-Osorio - Vanderbilt
5/5/22 - John Singleton - Rochester
Previous years’ schedules:
AY 2020-21
Date - Presenter - Affiliation - Topic
1/28/21 - Nuria Rodriguez-Planas - Queens College, CUNY - Long-Term Effects of Co-educational Industrial
Arts and Home Economics Classes
2/11/21 - Kalena Cortes - Texas A&M - Cancelled
2/25/21 - Abhijeet Singh - Stockholm School of Economics - Cancelled
3/11/21 - Scott Imberman - Michigan State - Parental Skills, Assortative Mating, and the Incidence of Autism Spectrum Disorder
3/25/21 - Chris Avery - Havard
4/1/21 - Tolani Britton - UC Berkeley
4/8/21 - Tom Dee - Stanford
4/22/21 - Prashant Bharadwaj - UCSD
AY 2019-20 - I was on leave
AY 2018-19
Date - Presenter - Affiliation - Topic
9/20/18 - Maria Fitzpatrick - Cornell - Beyond Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic: The Role of Teachers and Schools in Reporting Child Maltreatment
10/4/18 - Melissa Kearney - Maryland - Beyond Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic: The Role of Teachers and Schools in Reporting Child Maltreatment
NOTE: The 10/4 talk is at the CPRC seminar, 12:30pm-1:30pm,
at a different location. Interested parties must register in advance here: https://cupop.formstack.com/forms/cprcfall2018
10/18/18 - Mike Lovenheim - Cornell - The Effect of State Funding for Postsecondary Education on Long-Run Student Outcomes
10/25/18 - Rob Garlick - Duke - The Effects of Nationwide Tuition Fee Elimination on Enrollment and Attainment
NOTE: The 10/25 talk is joint with the Columbia development
economics seminar. It meets 4:15pm-5:45pm in IAB 1101
11/8/18 - Rina Park - Teachers College (student talk)
11/15/18 - Peter Blair - Harvard - Job Market Signaling through Occupational Licensing
11/29/18 - Claudia Allende - Teachers College (student talk)
12/13/18 - Brian Jacob - Michigan - The Evolution of Charter Schools in Michigan
Winter Break
1/31/19 - Mike Gilraine - NYU - Horizontal Differentiation and the Policy Effect of Charter Schools
2/14/19 - Anja Tolonen - Barnard - Pupil Absenteeism, Measurement, and Menstruation: Evidence from Western Kenya
2/28/19 - Susanna Loeb - Brown - Engaging Teachers: Measuring the Impact of Teachers on Student Attendance in Secondary School
3/14/19 - Maya Escueta - TC Student
3/28/19 - Chris Neilson - Princeton
NOTE: The 3/28 talk is joint with the Columbia development
economics seminar. It meets 4:15pm-5:45pm in IAB 1101
4/11/19 - No meeting - NBER Education Program meetings in SF
4/18/19 - Rucker Johnson - Berkeley
NOTE: The 4/18 talk is at the Columbia Population Research Center’s
Center on Poverty and Social Policy seminar, 12:00pm-1:00pm,
at a different location.
4/25/19 - Aimee Chin - University of Houston
Spring 2018
2/1/18 - Justin Sandefur - Center for Global Development - Outsourcing Service Delivery in a Fragile State: Experimental Evidence from Liberia
2/8/18 - Moussa Blimpo - World Bank - Scaling up Children’ School Readiness in The Gambia: Lessons from an Experimental Study
2/22/18 - Lindsay Page - University of Pittsburgh - More than Dollars for Scholars: The Impact of the Dell Scholars Program on College Access, Persistence and Degree Attainment
3/1/18 - NO SEMINAR
3/8/18 - Mike Lovenheim - Cornell - The Effect of State Funding for Postsecondary Education on Long-Run Student Outcomes
3/22/18 - Maria Fitzpatrick - Cornell
3/29/18 - Imran Rasul - University College London - Responses of Families and Schools to Information on School Quality: Evidence from Linked Survey and Administrative Data
4/5/18 - NO SEMINAR
4/12/18 - Gillian Wyness - UCL - Understanding university undermatch
4/19/18 - Prashant Loyalka - Stanford - Assessing and Improving the Quality of Higher Education: An International Study
4/26/18 - Damon Clark - UC Irvine - Public School Choice: An Economic Analysis
5/3/18 - Ale Ganimian - NYU - Street Smart or School Smart? The Arithmetic Skills of Working Children in Two Indian Cities
Spring 2017
1/19/17 - David Evans - World Bank - The Economic Returns to Interventions that Increase Learning
1/26/17 - Basit Zafar - NY Fed - Human Capital Investments and Expectations about Career and Family
2/2/17 - No seminar
2/9/17 - Lesley Turner - University of Maryland - Student Loan Nudges: Experimental Evidence on Borrowing and Educational Attainment
2/16/17 - Jacob Vigdor - University of Washington - The Civil Rights Movement and Educational Inequality
2/23/17 - Paul Glewwe - University of Minnesota - What Explains Vietnam’s Exceptional Performance in Education Relative to Other Countries? Analysis of the 2012 PISA Data
3/2/17 - Tomasso Agasisti - Politecnico di Milano Graduate School of Business - ICT use at home for school-related tasks: what is the effect on students' achievement? Empirical evidence from OECD PISA data
3/9/17 - Norbert Schady - Inter-American Development Bank - Teachers, peers, and student achievement in early elementary school: Evidence from multiple rounds of random assignment in a middle-income country
3/16/17 - No seminar (Spring Break)
3/23/17 - Pascaline Dupas - Stanford - The Impact of Free Secondary Education: Experimental Evidence from Ghana
3/30/17 - Anjali Adukia - Chicago Harris - Educational Investment Responses to Economic Opportunity: Evidence from Indian Road Construction
4/6/17 - CAPSEE Conference in DC - no seminar
4/13/17 - TC Students (45 minutes each) - Takeshi Yanagiura; Josefa Aguirre
4/20/17 - TC Students (45 minutes each)
4/27/17 - Rebecca Dizon-Ross - Chicago Booth - Improving Job Matching Among Youth
5/4/17 - Alex Eble - TC Faculty - Role Models, Girls' Math Ability, and the Formation of Beliefs: Evidence from Random Assignment of Students in Chinese Middle Schools